28/10/2017, ore 16.37, da https://myspace.com/streethawk70
streethawk70Seregno on Twitter: "#cinema #pensieri #citazioni Purtroppo è troppo "più forte di me": "Chi costruisce sulla gente, costruisce sul fango!"????Chiedo scusa. https://t.co/VQ7UCa1Pku"
“#cinema #pensieri #citazioni Purtroppo è troppo "più forte di me": "Chi costruisce sulla gente, costruisce sul fango!"🤨🤐Chiedo scusa.”streethawk70Seregno on Twitter: "#pensieri #citazioni https://t.co/OF8PsIkGlD Oggi "il treno", mio malgrado, l'ho preso, diretto, in faccia io! Ma NON sono morto. Intontito,"
“#pensieri #citazioni https://t.co/OF8PsIkGlD Oggi "il treno", mio malgrado, l'ho preso, diretto, in faccia io! Ma NON sono morto. Intontito,”Rai Radio2 on Twitter: "Tra pochissimo la nuova puntata di #GirlSolving @camihawke e @AlicelikeAudrey risolvono tutti, ma proprio tutti i vostri problemi, capito? https://t.co/OYqUs58g4D"
“Tra pochissimo la nuova puntata di #GirlSolving @camihawke e @AlicelikeAudrey risolvono tutti, ma proprio tutti i vostri problemi, capito?”Rai Radio2 on Twitter: "I mille personaggi di Max Tortora! Da Claudio Baglioni a Piero Angela Il "Best of" di #NPG è ON AIR il sabato, dalle 10.35 alle 12.00 https://t.co/y7ikeLIPja"
“I mille personaggi di Max Tortora! Da Claudio Baglioni a Piero Angela Il "Best of" di #NPG è ON AIR il sabato, dalle 10.35 alle 12.00 https://t.co/y7ikeLIPja”remove
28/10/2017, ore 16.36, da https://newsstand.google.com/
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All'indomani della dichiarazione unilaterale di indipendenza della Catalogna, il governo centrale di Madrid stringe la morsa con il commissariamento delle principali cariche della regione. Il premier spagnolo Mariano Rajoy ha assunto direttamente la presidenza della Catalogna e i suoi ministri le altre competenze. Carles Puigdemont non è piu' il presidente della Generalitat, Oriol Junqueras non è più il suo vice, sostituito da Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. Tutti i consiglieri sono stati esautorati, dando applicazione alla revoca dell'autonomia prevista dall'articolo 155 della Costituzione. Ho...
AGI - Agenzia Italia
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Il Secolo XIX
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L'istruttrice di fitness aveva esploso cinque colpi di pistola contro il fidanzato brasiliano, una montagna di muscoli alta 197 cm e pesante 115 kg.
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L'agenzia Standard & Poor's ha rivisto al rialzo il rating dell'Italia portandolo a 'BBB/A2' con outlook stabile. "Rivediamo al rialzo il rating dell'Italia - spiega l'agenzia - per le migliorate prospettive di crescita economica, sostenute da un rialzo degli investimenti e della crescita dell'occupazione così come dalla politica monetaria espansiva". In questo contesto - aggiungono da S&P - il rialzo riflette anche i diminuiti rischi nel settore bancario per l'outolook economico e un ulteriore consolidamento di bilancio. L'Agenzia prevede che il Pil crescerà dell'1,4% quest'anno, ben oltre...
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Nessun treno circola tra Rafz (ZH) e il comune tedesco Jestetten. I treni InterCity che collegano la stazione centrale a quella di Stoccarda (D) sono soppressi tra ...
ZURIGO - Protagonista di un inizio di campionato al di sotto delle attese - anche a causa di un infortunio - Mattias Sjögren potrebbe lasciare le Svizzera al ...
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Agenzia Ansa
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Con l'autunno arriva anche il mese più fitto di tasse da pagare: da sempre novembre porta con sé una fitta lista di scadenze con il Fisco. Lo ricorda la Cgia di Mestre: tra gli acconti e le addizionali Irpef, l'Ires, l'Iva, l'Irap e le ritenute di *...*
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Stranger Things 2 continues to move at a brisk pace with “Chapter Six: The Spy,” an episode that’s a little more focused — and, in turn, scarier — than what’s typical of the show, courtesy of one key but disconnected character’s absence. We open in Hawkins Lab, where Will is being operated on after experiencing what appeared to be a full-body seizure at the end of last week’s episode. With Dr. Owens, Joyce, and Mike all by his side, he’s rushed through with an oxygen mask attached, as he continues to yelp in pain. Sheriff Hopper, on the other end, has just been rescued from the Upside Down,...
Entertainment Weekly News
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Since taking the oath of office in January, Donald Trump has provided evidence, almost daily, that he is ill-suited to be president of the United States. For months, much of the country has watched in despair as he and his administration have meat-axed the Affordable Care Act; crushed forward-looking Obama-era regulations in education, the environment and consumer protection; and backtracked on civil rights. He has made a mess of things with our allies, emboldened our adversaries and embarrassed the nation on the world stage. We have groaned through his insults and lies and witnessed his em...
The Washington Post
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The Washington Post
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The ghosts of the sneakers I didn’t buy are following me around the World Wide Web! An in-store purchase is more satisfying, studies confirm.
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OAKLAND — The yapping started early. On Friday night, barely four minutes had passed in the first quarter before the Washington Wizards and Golden State Warriors’ matchup turned feisty. Bradley Beal took a baseline drive directly at 2017 defensive player of the year Draymond Green. Although Green jumped straight up to stop the shot, Beal scored anyway. He absorbed the contact, gathered his feet and amplified the strong move by sharing some words with Green. A little over a minute later, John Wall didn’t appreciate how Stephen Curry successfully baited him into an offensive foul and let him ...
The Washington Post
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Il Secolo XIX
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The course for profiting from triathlon competitions is very challenging. But Ironman, fueled by capital from Dalian Wanda, has continued to grow via acquisitions and more participants. Two years ago, Dalian Wanda, one of the leading Chinese private conglomerates, bought Ironman (World Triathlon Corporation) for an equity value of approximately $650 million from Providence Equity Partners. In this Forbes SportsMoney interview, Ironman’s CEO, Andrew Messick, delves into the economics of the triathlon competitions and Ironman’s growth strategy.
Forbes Now
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Three more actresses have spoken out against Harvey Weinstein, joining the long line of more than 50 women who have accused the disgraced movie mogul of sexual assault and harassment. Annabella Sciorra, Daryl Hannah, and Ellen Barkin spoke to The New Yorker in a new exposé, released on Friday, about their harrowing encounters with Weinstein. Sciorra revealed that she struggled to speak about Weinstein for more than 20 years but her friend Rosie Perez encouraged her to come forward. “I was so scared,” Sciorra said about recounting one specific night during the 1990s when the Oscar-winning pr...
Entertainment Weekly News
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Ashly Burch at her home in Los Angeles. (Jenna Schoenefeld/for The Washington Post) LOS ANGELES — She woke up with a tickle in her throat. This was worrying for Ashly Burch, who, at 27, is a rising star in the small world of voice actors, best known for her work in video games. She knew actors who had blown out their voices in the studio. She’d come close herself. So leaving her house that morning Burch sipped a soothing mix of chai tea and pea milk. “It’s nondairy,” she said. “Dairy creates mucus, and that’s not a good sound.” Now, standing inside a soundproof studio in nearby Santa Monica...
The Washington Post
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HOUSTON — The huge sign beside the highway as you come from the airport into this city says, “Houston Strong.” Those two words apply to the willpower of millions here who strive every day, and will have to continue that effort for months and years, to repair the damage done by flooding from Hurricane Harvey. Measured on that scale, a baseball team is a smallish thing. Yet, in their way, the Houston Astros exemplify “Houston Strong,” or, at the least, live up to the standard of grit and resilience that has distinguished and dignified this city in its worst times. On Wednesday in Los Angeles,...
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VAVEL Italia
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È stata una grande avventura. Grazie a tutti! Un post condiviso da FedericadeSanctis (@federica.desanctis) in data: 27 Ott 2017 alle ore 10:27 PDT Fuggi fuggi da SkyTg 24. Dopo Gianluca Semprini (più di un anno fa) e Paola Saluzzi (durante l'estate), l'all news diretta da Sarah Varetto perde un altro suo pilastro: Federica De Sanctis. La bionda anchorwoman, sempre elegante e piacevole, ha condotto il suo ultimo telegiornale venerdì 27 ottobre e ha salutato i telespettatori con emozione. "Il mio Sky Tg24 finisce qui. Grazie davvero a tutti di cuore, buon proseguimento e buona fortuna", ha de...
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By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A small asteroid or comet that has been spotted racing through our solar system may have come from elsewhere in the galaxy, U.S. space scientists say, possibly marking the first such interstellar visitor observed from Earth. The mystery object, so far known only as A/2017 U1, was discovered earlier this month by a researcher using a sophisticated telescope system at the University of Hawaii that continually scans the universe for such phenomenon. "We have been waiting for this day for decades," said Paul Chodas, manager of the National Aeronautics and...
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Tom's Hardware Italia
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It’s early, but I’d bet this will go down as the most divisive installment of Stranger Things 2,and maybe the entire series to date. On paper, an Eleven bottle episode sounds amazing. But perhaps the biggest problem with “The Lost Sister” is the placement of the episode. Things had just started to really pick up, and instead of building on the frightening scene at the Hawkins Laboratory, we go hang out with a mohawked fella named Axel and a lovable gentleman named Funshine (maybe the best worst name ever). “Mama,” Eleven can be heard saying. “It’s me, Jane. I’m home.” The episode opens insi...
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WORLD SERIES 8 p.m. Game 4: Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45), WTEM (980 AM) NHL 7 p.m. New York Rangers at Montreal » NHL Network 10 p.m. Washington at Edmonton » NBC Sports Washington, WJFK (106.7 FM) COLLEGE FOOTBALL, LISTINGS D3 GOLF 2:30 p.m. PGA Tour: Sanderson Farms Championship, third round » Golf Channel 5:30 p.m. Champions Tour: PowerShares QQQ Championship, second round » Golf Channel 11 p.m. World Golf Championship: HSBC Champions, final round » Golf Channel TENNIS 8 a.m. ATP: Vienna Open; Swiss Indoors, semifinals » Tennis Channel SOCCER 7:20 a.m. FIF...
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