domenica 31 luglio 2016

Walking in my shoes 545' parte

31/07/2016, ore 12.26, da

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Gino Paoli, verso l’archiviazione l’indagine per evasione fiscale: c’è la prescrizione
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Gino Paoli, verso l'archiviazione l'indagine per evasione fiscale: c'è la prescrizione - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Due milioni di euro in Svizzera e un’inchiesta per evasione fiscale. Era il febbraio dell’anno scorso e su Gino Paoli si scatenò una bufera che portò il cantautore a dimettersi dalla Siae. Oggi il quotidiano La Stampa riporta la notizia che l’inchiesta viaggia verso l’archiviazione perché se è stato accertato che i soldi erano davvero stati …
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Rouen, dopo l’attentato musulmani e cattolici pregano insieme. “Nessuno può morire in Chiesa”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Rouen, dopo l'attentato musulmani e cattolici pregano insieme. "Nessuno può morire in Chiesa" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

E’ la domenica dei musulmani in chiesa insieme ai cattolici per una preghiera comune. Imam e semplici fedeli islamici sono stati invitati a partecipare alla messa della domenica in diverse città italiane e francesi, per un messaggio di pace e fratellanza. L’appello, lanciato in Francia dal Centro per il culto musulmano francese in segno di solidarietà dopo il brutale …
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RT @NatGeoItalia: Non solo propaganda: ecco a voi l'arte nordcoreana

Non solo propaganda: ecco a voi l'arte nordcoreana

Salvataggio in mare nell'oscurità Opera di Kim Song Kun Questo quadro del 1997 è stato paragonato alla Zattera della medusa , un famoso dipinto ad olio francese del 1818 oggi conservato al Louvre . Ritrovarsi a contemplare opere di propaganda nordcoreana a Washingto
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RT @NatGeoItalia: Strade per il cielo nelle grandi foto della settimana

Strade per il cielo nelle grandi foto della settimana

La strada per il cielo Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto Prefecture, Giappone Fotografia di Shumon Saito Scarica la foto ISTRUZIONI: 1) Cliccate sul bottone, la foto si aprirà in una nuova finestra del browser 2) Nella nuova finestra cliccate sull'immagine con il tasto destro del mouse
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RT @NatGeoItalia: Pesca millenaria

Pesca millenaria

Porto di Scilla, stretto di Messina. La luce del castello Ruffo sfuma nell'acqua creando uno spettacolo etereo. È quasi l'alba, e i cacciatori di pesce spada chiedono se abbiamo portato i panini. Non è una cordiale preoccupazione ma una richiesta esplicita: non si può andare
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I Santi di oggi – 31 luglio Sant'Ignazio di Loyola Sacerdote via @@CiaoKarol

I Santi di oggi – 31 luglio Sant'Ignazio di Loyola Sacerdote

I Santi di oggi – 31 luglio Sant'Ignazio di Loyola Sacerdote. Il primo scritto che racconta la vita, la vocazione e la missione di s. Ignazio, è stato redatto proprio da lui, in Italia è conosciuto come “Autobiografia”, ed egli racconta la sua chiamata e la sua missione, presentandosi in terza persona, per lo più designato con il nome di “pellegrino”; apparentemente è la descrizione di lunghi viaggi o di esperienze curiose e aneddotiche, ma in realtà è la descrizione di un pellegrinaggio spiritu...
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Il maxi-piano Mps al test del mercato

Il maxi-piano Mps al test del mercato

Gli stress test l'hanno bollata come banca più fragile d'Europa, unico istituto a ritrovarsi con un Cet 1 negativo (-2,2%) in caso di scenario macroeconomico avverso. Ma Mps può guardare alla pagella dell'Eba con il conforto di chi sa di poter recuperare tutto agli «esami di riparazione»
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Temporali e forte vento sulla Bergamasca Il finimondo a Dalmine - Foto e video

Temporali e forte vento sulla Bergamasca Il finimondo a Dalmine - Foto e video

Puntuale come un orologio svizzero: le previsioni parlavano della possibilità di temporali nella fascia mattutina 6-12 di domenica 31 luglio e su Bergamo e provincia poco dopo le 6,10 si sono scatenati violentissimi acquazzoni con vento molto forte: abbattuti diversi alberi, volate tegole. E a Dalmine, dove sembra che l’intensità del maltempo abbia raggiunto il suo apice, una gru è caduta su una casa. Ed è stata sfiorata la tragedia.
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Strage di Dacca, la polizia: “Identificato il mandante: Tamin Chowdhury leader e finanziatore di gruppo islamis...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Strage di Dacca, la polizia: "Identificato il mandante: Tamin Chowdhury leader e finanziatore di gruppo islamista" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

A poco meno di un mese dal massacro strage di Dacca in cui morirono 22 persone tra cui nove italiani la polizia di Bangladesh, secondo quanto riportano i media locali, sostiene di aver identificato il mandante della strage. Lo scorso primo luglio un commando di almeno cinque uomini fece una strage nel ristorante Holey Artisan Bakery …
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RT @FQLive: ULTIMORA #texas, Sparatoria in corso ad Austin: diverse vittime. Polizia: "Restate in casa" LEGGI:
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Texas, sparatoria in corso ad Austin: diverse vittime. Polizia: "restate in casa" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Una sparatoria è in corso a Austin, in Texas, e secondo i media americani online ci sarebbero diverse vittime. La polizia ha lanciato un allarme ai cittadini esortandoli a stare lontani dal centro città. Al momento non sono disponibili ulteriori dettagli
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Siria, Aleppo come Sarajevo: dopo quattro anni di assedio 40mila morti e 300mila civili in trappola
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Siria, Aleppo come Sarajevo: dopo quattro anni di assedio 40mila morti e 300mila civili in trappola - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Sarebbero 300mila, a detta di fonti locali, le persone intrappolate nella zona di Aleppo est che vive da oltre una settimana un assedio totale, dopo che l’ultima strada per i rifornimenti sotto il controllo dell’opposizione è caduta in mano alle forze governative fedeli al presidente Bashar al Assad. Dal luglio 2012, data dell’inizio della battaglia di …
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Elezioni Usa, sarà scontro tra la deriva conservatrice di Hillary Clinton e la rivoluzione reazionaria di Donal...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Elezioni Usa, sarà scontro tra la deriva conservatrice di Hillary Clinton e la rivoluzione reazionaria di Donald Trump - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Con i primi giorni di campagna elettorale USA, si definiscono meglio le strategie dei due schieramenti. Rispetto al passato, ci sono novità importanti. L’entrata in scena di Donald Trump, e dinamiche economiche e culturali di più lungo periodo, hanno infatti fatto saltare l’alternativa classica destra/sinistra, repubblicani/democratici. I vecchi partiti, con le loro tradizionali appartenenze ideologiche, …
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Rifiuti Roma, i problemi e le soluzioni alla crisi. Tra accuse ad Ama e polemiche per il passato dell’assessora...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Rifiuti Roma, i problemi e le soluzioni alla crisi. Tra accuse ad Ama e polemiche per il passato dell'assessora M5s - Il Fatto Quotidiano

La questione rifiuti preoccupa la giunta di Virginia Raggi, sindaca di Roma tra polemiche e attacchi. La capitale presenta in alcune zone una situazione di criticità con la spazzatura in strada, ma le soluzioni scarseggiano mentre le polemiche e i punti di domanda aumentano. Il tritovagliatore di Rocca Cencia è l’unica scelta? La crisi rifiuti a …
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What what happens when a Haitian band entertains plane passengers delayed 6 hours

Haitian Band Entertains Plane Passengers Delayed 6 Hours

When a United Airlines flight in Chicago was delayed for nearly six hours earlier this month, a Haitian band on board took it upon themselves to be the in-flight entertainment. On July 23 members of Port-au-Prince-based band Lakou Mizik treated their fellow passengers to an impromptu performance. The nine-member group, which started in 2010 after Haiti's catastrophic earthquake, performed two songs, "Azouke" and "Parenn Legba," as they walked down the plane's aisle with their instruments in tow.
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: MEN'S FITNESS Editors
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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RT @wyshynski: New Puck Daddy: NWHL free agency deadline looms, USWNT players unsigned
Yahoo Sports

NWHL free agency deadline looms, USWNT players unsigned

The NWHL could be facing its first labor battle as the deadline for free agency nears a close on Sunday, July 31. All 11 returning and three draft picks from the USWNT roster are not under contract. Waiting until the last hour to sign the USWNT members isn’t something new to the NWHL.
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: Consigue unos antebrazos enormes - My Muscle Factory
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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For the first time since April 4, the Toronto Blue Jays are in first place in the AL East.
Yahoo Sports

Blue Jays surge into first place thanks to unstoppable July run

For the first time since April 4, the Toronto Blue Jays are in first place in the AL East. This time though, they own it alone after leapfrogging the Baltimore Orioles by defeating them 9-1 at Rogers Centre on Saturday afternoon. The win was the Blue Jays 16th in 22 games since July 1, when they were
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RT @Ginamzz: Shoulder Exercises For Men Basic Exercises For Broader Shoulder
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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RT @LairKellylairss: ♢♢♢
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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UFC 201: Tyron Woodley is the new UFC welterweight champion:
Yahoo Sports

Tyron Woodley stuns Robbie Lawler to win UFC welterweight title

Tyron Woodley is the new UFC welterweight champion. Apparently the most difficult thing to do in the UFC in 2016 is for a champion to retain a title. Tyron Woodley clocked Robbie Lawler with a crushing right hand Saturday in the main event of Phillips Arena in Atlanta to win the welterweight title
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The full scoop on the Museum of Ice Cream in New York City

The Full Scoop on the Museum of Ice Cream in New York City

That's the mantra at the Museum of Ice Cream, a month-long interactive exhibit that celebrates America's favorite summer treat and opens in New York City today. More than 30 artists, all passionate about ice cream, contributed ice cream-themed work for the museum. "Good Morning America" got a sneak peek at the sweetest museum in Manhattan.
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The San Diego Padres are changing. Again.
Yahoo Sports

Why the Padres decided to give up on Matt Kemp

The San Diego Padres are changing. On Saturday it was Matt Kemp’s turn. This can be the path when a player such as Kemp, an old-ish 31, finds himself down a couple tools, and on a contract paying him for all those tools.
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You are seeing more ads on Facebook than ever before via @YahooFinance

You are seeing more ads on Facebook than ever before

As Facebook’s global user base soared to 1.71 billion in the second quarter, its ad revenue soared too, up 63% in Q2 to $6.24 billion. The growth of Facebook’s total ad impressions (the number of times an ad is seen) was 49% last quarter, about even with the 50% growth of the prior quarter. When the
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Zika cases spike in Puerto Rico as virus spreads 'silently and rapidly'

Zika Cases Spike in Puerto Rico as Virus Spreads 'Silently and Rapidly'

The Zika virus is rapidly spreading though Puerto Rico, leading to more than 5,500 infections, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported today. Puerto Rico has been dealing with the Zika outbreak for months, and Zika infections have spiked recently, rising from 14 percent testing positive among those tested in February to 64 percent in June, the CDC reported. “The virus is silently and rapidly spreading in Puerto Rico,” said Dr. Lyle R. Peterson, incident manager for the CDC’s...
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American sailor helps cleans toxic Guanabara Bay before Olympics.
Yahoo Sports

American sailor helps cleans toxic Guanabara Bay before Olympics

One American sailor is trying his best to protect everyone else. Brad Funk, a native of Clearwater, Fla., took it upon himself to clear as much debris as possible before the Olympic events are set to take place in the bay. “I love Rio, and it is very important to me that the Olympic Games is a success
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RT @NBCSports: Texans acknowledge DeAndre Hopkins' holdout
Yahoo Sports

Texans acknowledge DeAndre Hopkins holdout

Texans receiver DeAndre Hopkins wants a new contract. He hasn’t gotten one, so he has held out. The Texans, in response, have placed him on the reserve/did not report list. They also have issued a statement regarding the situation. “We are disappointed DeAndre has elected not to report to training camp with the rest of…
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RT @NBCSports: Johnny Manziel spotted coming out of club, says he’ll play for the Cowboys
Yahoo Sports

Manziel, back in the clubs, says he’ll play for the Cowboys

Football has moved on without Johnny Football. But Johnny Football still hasn’t moved on from football. Capping a month that supposedly began with a vow of sobriety, Johnny Manziel was back in a club on Friday night. As he emerged (and got behind the wheel of a car — which is fine if he wasn’t…
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After dabbling in closers market, Nationals settle on Mark Melancon. From @TBrownYahoo.
Yahoo Sports

After dabbling in closers market, Nationals settle on Mark Melancon

A year and two days after acquiring Jonathan Papelbon to lock down their ninth inning, the Washington Nationals on Saturday agreed to a trade for Pittsburgh Pirates closer Mark Melancon. Last year, Drew Storen was demoted, and Papelbon choked Bryce Harper, and the Nationals missed the playoffs and then
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The new normal in golf: low scores, all the time.
Yahoo Sports

The new normal in professional golf

It started with Jordan Spieth winning the 2015 Masters at 18-under 270, matching Tiger Woods’ 72-hole scoring record and smashing the 36- and 54-hole scoring marks on the way. Spieth, in fact, reached 19 under par, but surrendered a shot on the final hole. Zach Johnson won a three-man playoff commenced
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Chinese Olympian robbed in Rio after thief pretended to be drunk, vomited on him.
Yahoo Sports

Chinese Olympian robbed in Rio after thief pretended to be drunk, vomited on him

Shi Dongpeng was robbed in Rio in a bizarre ruse. The Rio de Janeiro Olympics have still yet to commence, but we may already have a candidate for the most bizarre story to come out of Brazil. According to reports, Chinese 100m hurdler Shi Dongpeng and his cameraman were robbed shortly after they arrived
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Friuli, precipita ultraleggero: muore donna, il figlio ricoverato in gravi condizioni
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Friuli, precipita ultraleggero: muore donna, il figlio ricoverato in gravi condizioni - Il Fatto Quotidiano

La madre morta sul colpo ed il figlio è in gravissime condizioni. È questo il bilancio di un incidente avvenuto questo pomeriggio a Camino al Tagliamento, in provincia di Udine, dove un velivolo ultraleggero è precipitato sul greto del fiume. Secondo le prime indiscrezioni, a bordo del velivolo soltanto due persone. Le indagini sono condotte dai carabinieri …
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Breaking News: Nationals fill bullpen need by acquiring Pirates closer Mark Melancon.
Yahoo Sports

Nationals fill bullpen need by acquiring Pirates closer Mark Melancon

Mark Melancon is headed to the Nationals in a trade. The Washington Nationals have landed the bullpen piece they’ve been searching for at this year’s trade deadline. According to Fox Sports Ken Rosenthal, the Nationals have a struck a deal to acquire Pittsburgh Pirates closer Mark Melancon.
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Storms halt PGA Championship on Saturday.
Yahoo Sports

Storms halt PGA Championship on Saturday

The third round of the PGA Championship was suspended at 2:14 p.m. on Saturday, anticipating dangerous weather moving in the area, with play never resuming. PGA of America officials originally announced they anticipated a one-hour delay. Players will not repair, going off in their third round pairings
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What's troubling athletes arriving in Rio? No 'Pokemon Go.'
Yahoo Sports

What's troubling athletes arriving in Rio? No 'Pokemon Go'

If there were ever a more ''First World problem'' for the Zika-plagued, water-polluted Rio Olympics, it's Brazil's lack of access to the hit mobile game, which has united players the world over. Since debuting to wild adulation in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand this month, the game from Google spinoff Niantic Inc. has spread like wildfire, launching in more than 30 countries or territories - but not Brazil. For athletes and other visitors caught up in the wave, not having access is just one...
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RT @bigleaguestew: Indians still searching for upgrades ahead of trade deadline
Yahoo Sports

Indians still searching for upgrades ahead of trade deadline

In a meeting of two teams with entirely different agendas, the Cleveland Indians will host the Oakland A’s Saturday night at Progressive Field. As we know, the AL Central-leading Indians are approaching the trade deadline as buyers looking for the final piece(s) to what they hope will be a championship
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Papa Francesco, la preghiera: “Dio tocchi i cuori dei terroristi perché tornino sulla via della pace”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Papa Francesco, la preghiera: "Dio tocchi i cuori dei terroristi perché tornino sulla via della pace" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

“Tocca i cuori dei terroristi, affinché riconoscano il male delle loro azioni e tornino sulla via della pace e del bene, del rispetto per la vita e della dignità di ogni uomo, indipendentemente dalla religione, dalla provenienza, dalla ricchezza o dalla povertà”. E’ questa la preghiera lasciata da Papa Francesco nella chiesa di San Francesco a Cracovia. …
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Following testing crash, Brad Keselowski says road courses are most dangerous tracks.
Yahoo Sports

Following testing crash, Keselowski says road courses are most dangerous tracks

Keselowski is tied for the series lead in wins with four . Brad Keselowski said Friday following his head-on collison at Watkins Glen on Wednesday that he believed road courses were the most dangerous types of tracks because of the angles in which a driver can hit the wall. Keselowski’s car had a brake
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Tony Stewart's insurance not liable for damages stemming from Ward incident.
Yahoo Sports

Tony Stewart's insurance not liable for damages stemming from Ward incident

A court ruling Friday means Stewart is responsible for fees and any damages (Getty). A court ruling Friday said Tony Stewart’s insurance company wasn’t obligated to pay any damages or fees regarding an incident at a dirt track in upstate New York where Stewart struck and killed sprint car driver Kevin
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Stati Uniti, mongolfiera con 16 persone a bordo prende fuoco e precipita a terra: “Non ci sono sopravvissuti”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Stati Uniti, mongolfiera con 16 persone a bordo prende fuoco e precipita a terra: "Non ci sono sopravvissuti" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Ha preso fuoco in volo e si è schiantata al suolo. È un tragico incidente quello andato in onda in Texas dove una mongolfiera con 16 persone a bordo si è incendiata ed è precipitata nei pressi di Lockhart, a sud di Austin. La mongolfiera si era levata in volo alle 7.40 ora locale per poi …
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RT @LairKellylairss: This Is What Happens When You Ignore Pain and Keep Training
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Ichiro reminds us he still possesses a strong right arm.
Yahoo Sports

Ichiro reminds us he still possesses a strong right arm

Ichiro Suzuki fell short of making history on Friday night, going 0-for-4 in the Marlins 11-6 loss to the Cardinals. Just ask the Cardinals Kolten Wong. During the third inning, Wong attempted to challenge Ichiro’s arm on a fly ball to medium left field. Unimpressed and possibly insulted, Ichiro unleashed
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RT @Flickr: Shout out to the weekend warriors! Grab your cameras and get out there. The world's waiting! https://t.…


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RT @YahooNews: Trump’s running mate Mike Pence has a different approach to protesters’ interruptions

Mike Pence Rally Interrupted by Protesters, a First for the VP Candidate's Campaign

While Donald Trump has generally responded to protesters’ interruptions by bellowing to security "get 'em out," his running mate Mike Pence has a different, more subtle approach. On Friday, the Indiana governor-turned-GOP vice presidential candidate was interrupted by two protesters at a rally at the University of Northwestern Ohio Events Center in Lima, Ohio, about seven minutes into his speech. “Lima hates Trump!,” shouted one of the protesters, before the two of them started chanting in uniso...
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: The best way to achieve a flat stomach is through a healthy.
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!