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Pat @PgGrilli 1h ago
“Esiste un modo infallibile di non offendere la sensibilità degli altri ed è smettere di averne una propria. Ci sti… t.co/WdEbNGhgdE
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Sky TG24 @SkyTG24 11m ago
Non fatevi trovare impreparati e ripassate, o scoprite, tutti i successi di @edsheeran, il superospite della finali… t.co/aRMjGPesVX
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore 5m ago
Etruria: Consob, a risparmiatori taciute criticità t.co/PjDQJuoxgG t.co/aZt3wa8oNr
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Carmen Cri @carmenFashionCr 1h ago
Malgioglio a Mattino 5: “Vi dico io tutta la verità dell’armadio” t.co/a0KMSX8gwK
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TittiTi @tixxxtweety 1h ago
Posso dire una cosa, con tutto il bene che voglio a #PapaFrancesco? Se TUTTI (mezzi pubblici, taxi, operatori radio… t.co/7sUhA4rkWu
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TittiTi @tixxxtweety 1h ago
Il Natale che vorrei è il Natale con Deejay, voci con un’anima e la mia musicaaa... #NowPlaying Natale Con Deejay d… t.co/ldgaTCkgln
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Domenico Gammella @mimmogammella2 1h ago
RT @mattinodinapoli: «Terroristi», il giallo dei sette algerini napoletani: condannati ma latitanti t.co/tFTgETYZxO
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Chiara DGiambattista @ChiaraDiGiamba1 1h ago
Felice, felicissima, direi quasi feliciona per l’Ascoltao Meravigliao di #IndietroTutta30elode #IndietroTuttaِ! Evv… t.co/OihnElOdx7
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Radio Deejay @radiodeejay 7m ago
Oggi #PaoloNespoli è tornato sulla #Terra. È l'astronauta italiano con il record di permanenza nello spazio (313 gi… t.co/TN1qse6zxb
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IL PATRIOTA @PatriotaIl 1h ago
BERGOGLIO: "ACCOGLIAMO GLI IMMIGRATI A BRACCIA APERTE " Dicesse mai una parola sui 8milioni italiani poveri indigen… t.co/ATUv3oD9io
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Sky TG24 @SkyTG24 35m ago
Nel giorno della finalissima di #XF11 andiamo a conoscere meglio i "fantastici 4" rimasti in gara 👉… t.co/PkU4qbZ3Hm
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Luana @lloucin 1h ago
La vita è un percorso dove scopri nuove cose ad ogni passo. C’è sempre chi lo stesso tragitto lo ha già fatto.
Ed h… t.co/nrx4jQ75Hn
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore 26m ago
Inflazione: stime confermate, -0,2% a novembre, +0,9% tendenziale t.co/hfmN39Ba8N t.co/gVFvtgxye4
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore 34m ago
Antares Vision investe nella ricerca in Irlanda t.co/v33kz2txnt t.co/4BNlQIUvcB
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore 26m ago
La Bce cambia pagina sul Qe, fine dell’attuale fase del programma di acquisti t.co/pywlTyWVHo t.co/QPTWPkW4Nt
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🔶🔸🔶Angel &Devil🔶🔸🔶 @naisefireworks 1h ago
Ognuno nella vita ha i propri tasti dolenti....
C'è il tasto che suona più forte e quello da aggiustare tocca a noi… t.co/ruNVxTzffc
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano 1h ago
Biotestamento, al via dichiarazioni di voto al Senato: verso l’approvazione definitiva della legge - Con le dichiar… t.co/lU0MQ4MyVo
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano 1h ago
Sul ghiaccio siete una frana? Consolatevi guardando la performance (comica) di questa ragazza - La scena è stata ri… t.co/ZxKpnQmKY5
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano 44m ago
Messina Denaro, decine di perquisizioni a Castelvetrano a fiancheggiatori del boss latitante - Maxi blitz della dda… t.co/l7Mgk41Y4o
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano 44m ago
Paolo Nespoli, astronauta atterrato in Kazakhstan a bordo della Soyuz - Paolo Nespoli è tornato sulla Terra. La nav… t.co/qdYcvkuhk6
This 'Snownado' (Exactly What It Sounds Like) Looks Like The Ghost Of A Tornado
This meteorological formation is equal parts scary and beautiful.
Sexual Harassment Training Doesn't Work. But Some Things Do.
Traditional methods can backfire, but ideas like teaching bystanders to
intervene and promoting more women have proved effective.
The New Standard In Wine
STANDARD wine wants to be your new standard glass of wine. They have one
red and one white from small-lot Sonoma vineyards. Want to try for
yourself? They are giving away a free gift if you order now. Cheers,
All The Things I Worry About As My Non-Binary Partner Prepares To Give Birth
Attending birthing classes with my partner made me realize the people delivering our baby had no idea how to handle our needs.
How Virtual Reality Took Down A Former Nazi SS Guard
Reinhold Hanning claims he had no idea was happening inside the
concentration camp where he worked at the time. He may have been an
accessory to over 170,000 murders.
Dilbert: A Reckoning
Without irony: I deeply love Dilbert. From ages 8 to 12, the funny pages
were both my primary hobby and major career aspiration, and Dilbert was
a top-tier favorite, thanks to my dad’s own sizable collection.
The True Spirit Of 'The Simpsons' Lives On In These Bootleg Zines
"There's so much Springfield-related creativity happening right now —
it's just that none of it is coming from the show's creators."
Science Dad Used Data To Predict The Exact* Time Of His Daughter's Birth
It's a good thing dad had this app in the delivery room or else... well,
things would have been fine, but we'd have less data about it.
Tracing ISIS' Weapons Supply Chain — Back To The US
No longer satisfied with crude roadside bombs, ISIS is doing something
unprecedented for a jihadist group: designing and mass-producing its own
advanced munitions.
Seven Women Discuss Work, Fairness, Sex And Ambition
Emily Bazelon moderates a round table with Anita Hill, Laura Kipnis,
Lynn Povich, Soledad O'Brien, Amanda Hess and Danyel Smith to talk about
how — or if — real change is possible.
Here's Tween Seth Rogen Doing A Standup Set In 1994
Seth Rogen turned 12 in 1994, which means he performed a standup set
that got people belly laughing before he had his bar mitzvah.
Here’s A Weird Story About Trump, A Pastor And A Spider
"A spider almost ate" the president, according to South Carolina pastor Mark Burns.
Why 'The Orville' Is The Number 1 Show On Television Even Though Critics Hate It
It's performing better than the actual "Star Trek" reboot. Maybe that's
because it's an even better love letter to the original series.
Music Mogul Russell Simmons Is Accused Of Rape By Multiple Women
Mr. Simmons, a powerful gatekeeper in the entertainment and media
worlds, damaged careers and self-confidence with his pattern of sexual
assault and harassment, the women say.
What We Know About The Drama Surrounding Omarosa's Sudden White House Exit
Did she voluntarily resign because she's mad about Trump's racism, or
did she have to be physically escorted off White House grounds? Depends
on who you ask.
How To Create Web Traffic 'Out Of Thin Air'
Unscrupulous ad networks and publishers have come up with a way to
generate massive amounts of fake traffic and ad impressions. And like
many things on the internet, it traces its origins to porn.
AI Does Not Have Enough Experience To Handle The Next Market Crash
With so much data residing in this era, AI might not know what a "normal" market actually looks like.
What's Faster, Using A Sharp Knife Or A Hyper-Specific Kitchen Tool?
Your kitchen probably has a couple of those one-use tools that only peel
one specific fruit. Are they just taking up space, or are they actually
efficient to use?
This Is The Daily Stormer's Playbook
A leaked style guide reveals they’re Nazis about grammar (and about Jews).
I Hate My Squatty Potty
It helps you poop, but is it made for the modern bathroom?
Fan Nails A 94-Foot Putt Across The Length Of A Basketball Court
Unfortunately for the fan, the prize was... $1000 in Under Armour gear.
Baby Boomers Love Facebook, So Let Them Have It
Generational separation online might not be so bad.
How Titanic's Iconic Necklace Almost Sank An Entire Company
But the Heart of the Ocean — and J. Peterman — will go on.
21 Gifts Your Dad Actually Wants
Dad may say he doesn’t want you to get him anything, but what he really wants is for you to get something on this list.
Judge Alex Kozinski Made Us All Victims And Accomplices
For 20 years, I’ve felt it was too early to speak up about the chief
justice of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Now I fear it's too
Salma Hayek: Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too
Salma Hayek writes beautifully about awful experiences with the disgraced producer.
Holy Crap, Look At This Scooter Trick
Ryan Williams is really good with a scooter under his feet. But what
about with a scooter rotating forward a few in front of him while he's
rotating backward? See where were going with this? (He lands it at 8:47)
Everything Wrong With 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
The CGI was... not a high point.
'It's The Grandparents Stealing From The Grandchildren'
There's a fiction at the heart of the debate over entitlements: The
carefully cultivated impression that beneficiaries are simply receiving
back their "own" money.
Plane Takes Off From An Aircraft Carrier... Directly Into A Wave
A 1971 clip from the USS Ticonderoga shows a submarine tracking plane running straight into a rogue wave.
Ranking America's Top 10 Chain Restaurants
Washington Post food critic Tom Sietsema ate three times each at the top
10 full-service chains, and tells you what's good — and what's not.
The Best Commentary About Doug Jones' Victory And What It Means For America
Jones pulled off a shocker in Alabama, but how much can we read into it?
21 Gifts Your Mom Actually Wants
Touchscreen gloves, a magic air fryer, and other gifts she genuinely
wants. So take that gift-wrapped Yankee Candle in your hand and throw it
in the trash.
The Rise Of Kat Von D
How a reality TV provocateur became one of the beauty industry’s brightest stars.
Patreon Backing Off Its Awful Payment Policy Changes
But it remains an open question whether the backers who left will ever return.
Toddler Upon Hearing Santa Is Coming To His House: 'What The Fuck?'
British kids, they, uh, grow up so fast.
AI Is Killing The Uncanny Valley And Our Grasp On Reality
A world awash in AI-generated content is a classic case of a utopia that
is also a dystopia. It’s messy, it’s beautiful, and it’s already here.
Fed Raises Interest Rates Again As Economy Rolls On
Policymakers increased a key rate for the third time this year. The
quarter-point move indicates the Fed is confident in the economy as it
continues to recover from the financial crisis.
Arizonan Thrilled To Experience Snow, Immediately Learns That Snow Can Be Slippery
She's experienced snow, and that will probably be enough.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Gives A Comically Terrible Answer To Simple Question About Sexual Harassment
Apparently nobody gave Cuomo the memo on how to respond to questions
about sexual harassment policies without making yourself look dumb.
The Small Appalachian City That's Thriving
Roanoke, Virginia, has become what many cities of its size, geography,
and history want to be. It started by bringing housing to a deserted
The Doomsday Diet
Meet the all-purpose survival cracker, the US government's Cold War-era nutrition solution for life after a nuclear blast.
These LeBron Passes From Last Night Are Just Unfair
It seems like an unfair advantage for someone with LeBron's physical
tools to also have the vision and skill to pull off these passes
Three Cameras Helped Make This Rad GoPro-Tossing Snowboard Trick A Reality
Gravity is fake and this nifty video proves it.
The Reckoning
As revelations of sexual harassment break, women have been discussing
the fallout and how to move forward. Here, women from across the working
world take on this complicated conversation.
Hallmark's 21-Movie Orgy Of Trumpian Christmas Cheer Is A Huge Hit. Here's Why.
I'm bearing witness to all 42 hours of Hallmark's sugary, sexist,
preposterously plot hole–festooned, traditional, ecstatically Caucasian
Christmas movies.
Crack Your Windows And Blast The Heat While Driving In Winter
Some people like to open a window or turn off the heat in the bedroom
before snuggling up under the covers when going to bed in the winter.
What if you could take that sensation with you anywhere you went?
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Roy Moore Spokesman Completely And Utterly Baffled That You Don't Have To Be Sworn In With A Christian Bible
Democrat Doug Jones Defeats Roy Moore In Alabama Senate Race; Moore Refuses To Concede
Congress Took $101 Million In Donations From The ISP Industry — Here's How Much Your Lawmaker Got
Seeing New York City From A Drone’s-Eye View
An Amazing Visualization Of What Would Happen If You Drained The Ocean Through A 10-Meter Hole
Bask In The Beauty Of Nat Geo's 'Nature Photographer Of The Year' Contest Winners
The Plot To Bomb Garden City, Kansas
The Human Cost Of The Ghost Economy
Did Trump Just Suggest That A Female Senator Took Campaign Donations For Sex? Here's What You Need To Know
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Nel 2012 e nel 2013 Banca Etruria ha "operato e sollecitato il
pubblico risparmio attraverso offerte, in assenza di un quadro
informativo corretto e completo circa la reale situazione di criticità
in cui la stessa si trovava". E' quanto ha affermato *...*
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Series of Undervacuum Homogenizer Mixers and Tube Fillers Ideal
for Food, Health & Beauty, Personal Care and Pharmaceutical Sectors.
Shares of Bio-on S.p.A. (BIT:ON) last traded at 28.6, representing
a move of -0.69%, or -0.2 per share, on volume of 2,000 shares. After
opening the trading day at 28.67, shares of Bio-on S.p.A. traded in a
close range. Bio-on S.p.A. currently has a total float of 18.83M shares
and on average sees 97,615 shares exchange ...
Shares of Società Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi S.p.A.
(BIT:SIS) last traded at 15.48, representing a move of 0.39%, or 0.06
per share, on volume of.
Milan dinner: Kristie Jacobs, Wyatt Waters, Barbara Columbo,
Robert St. John, Jill St. John, Alberto Berticelli. The short bio on
several of my social media platforms reads, “Robert St. John: Mediocre
chef, average writer, pretty good restaurateur, enthusiastic traveler,
world-class eater.” It's meant to be a slight tongue-in-cheek ...
Shares of Avio S.p.A. (BIT:AVIO) last traded at 13.73,
representing a move of -0.07%, or -0.01 per share, on volume of 757
shares. After opening the trading day at 13.86, shares of Avio S.p.A.
traded in a close range. Avio S.p.A. currently has a total float of
26.36 million shares and on average sees 69,470 shares exchange ...
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STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden will raise the minimum age at which
workers can take their state pension over the coming years, a move
designed to match an increase in average life spans, the major political
parties said on Thursday. Workers can currently choose to take their
state pension from the age of 61. This will be raised successively to 64
by 2026. The current pension system was designed around 20 years ago
and Swedes now live around 2.5 years longer on average. "That is
positive but it means that pensions ... have to last a longer time," the
parties said in a statement. "In order to m...
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Well, congressional Republicans have reached a deal on the
tax-overhaul bill. But, as ever, the devil is in the details -- which so
far haven't been fully disclosed. The full details of what is likely to
be a $1.4 trillion tax cut over a decade will be released later this
week. Full House and Senate votes are expected next week, which would
allow the GOP to complete a big legislative priority before Christmas.
The agreement would set the top individual tax rate at 37%, two people
familiar with the deal said. That is lower than today’s 39.6% top rate
and lower than the top rate in each of th...
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(Don Ryan/AP) The Treasury Department is investigating the
expenditures of housing agencies in the District and 18 states that used
federal funds aimed at bailing out homeowners in danger of losing their
properties to foreclosure, alleging that some misspent the money and
will have to repay it. So far, the Treasury’s Office of Special
Inspector General has identified $3 million in questionable expenses
that include bonuses, barbecues and a vehicle allowance. But Treasury
officials say that a review of the expenses is ongoing, and that the
figure could increase or even decrease because some ...
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Each week, Jeff Probst will answer a few questions about the
latest episode of Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers. ENTERTAINMENT
WEEKLY: Ben was shocked that nobody went to follow him as he left to go
look for an idol, which he then found. Should the other five players
have had someone constantly following Ben everywhere or is that too
impractical because there might be times — say where someone goes off
for an interview or to the bathroom — that are impossible to monitor?
What’s your take on babysitting folks looking for an idol? JEFF PROBST:
You would think by season 35 there would b...
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In Paris, it was Birkins at dawn, and under the gavel.
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ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey's official news agency says police have
summoned an FBI official stationed in Turkey, in connection with
testimony in a U.S. federal corruption case against a Turkish banker.
Anadolu Agency said Wednesday evening that the FBI attache was "invited"
after a former Turkish deputy police chief reportedly told the jury in
New York that the FBI paid him $50,000 and U.S. prosecutors covered his
rent. Huseyin Korkmaz was part of the law enforcement team leading a
corruption probe in 2013 in Turkey. He was later arrested for alleged
links to a U.S.-based Muslim cleric blamed f...
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(Reuters) - A capsule carrying U.S., Russian and Italian
astronauts from the International Space Station landed in Kazakhstan on
Thursday, a NASA TV live broadcast showed. The spacecraft brought back
Randy Bresnik, from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration; Sergey Ryazanskiy, from Russian space agency Roscosmos;
and Italy's Paolo Nespoli, with the European Space Agency. (Reporting by
Olzhas Auyezov; editing by John Stonestreet)
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The very first shot of the season 3 finale of Mr. Robot frames the
family picture of the Aldersons that we’re all so familiar with at this
point. The photo’s always been there as a reminder of what these
characters have been through. More importantly, it acts as a reminder
that Elliot, Darlene, Mr. Robot, and even Angela, in her own “adoptive”
kind of way, are all a family. It makes sense to frame that photo at the
beginning of “Eps3.9_shutdown-r” because, more than any previous
episode, the season finale explores the various pitfalls and triumphs
that comes with being part of a family unit...
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DUBLIN — President Trump has singled out Ireland for its
extraordinarily low corporate tax rate, making the case that the United
States must overhaul its own tax code to win back American investment
and jobs. “For too long, our tax code has incentivized companies to
leave our country in search of lower taxes,” Trump said late last month.
“Many, many companies, they’re going to Ireland. They’re going all
over.” But Irish government officials, accountants and highly skilled
workers say the U.S. tax overhaul poses little threat to Ireland, a
preferred European home for the United States’ top t...
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Armie Hammer, left, plays Oliver and Timothée Chalamet is Elio in
“Call Me by Your Name.” (Sony Pictures Classics) Don’t believe what you
might have heard about “Call Me by Your Name.” Adapted by screenwriter
James Ivory from a 2007 novel by André Aciman, the sexy new film — a
coming-of-age story of first love that has already racked up multiple
awards — has been criticized in some quarters for its central
relationship, a summer tryst between Elio (Timothée Chalamet), a
17-year-old boy, and Oliver (Armie Hammer), a 24-year-old man. It is
criticism that Italian director Luca Guadagnino, whos...
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WARNING: This article contains spoilers from the season 3 finale
of Mr. Robot. Read at your own risk! Mr. Robot barreled forward at a
thrilling pace throughout its third season, but at the end of it, Elliot
Alderson (Rami Malek) wound up in an entirely surprising spot. The fix
that Trenton teased in the season two coda — the fix for the 5/9 hack —
was real, and Elliot seems to have been able to undo the damage he and
fsociety inflicted on Evil Corps data. It was an insane twist that
provided some deep and beautiful character growth for Elliot and
refocused his energy toward the real target,...
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Son of a Gun (Film)
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Arrestato per un reato minore, il diciannovenne JR
si scontra rapidamente con la dura vita carceraria e accetta la
protezione offertagli da Brendan Ly... [continua] |
14/12/2017, ore 12.13,
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