mercoledì 17 maggio 2017


17/05/2017, ore 20.07, da 

After Wednesday's report that President Trump asked James Comey to end the FBI's investigation into Michael Flynn, many are calling the act obstruction of justice. But what does that term mean in the law, for the President and for his future?

Manning was convicted in 2013 of stealing 750,000 pages of documents and videos before leaking them to WikiLeaks. Her sentence was commuted by President Obama as he left office.

While stories out of the White House dominated much of the news Tuesday, Fox News and the conservative news sphere was focused on a different story: The 2016 murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich and whether Rich was Wikileaks' DNC source. Here's what's going on.

After nearly two decades, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, the German research body that owns the rights to MP3, has decided to no longer renew its patents on the technology — effectively killing the format for good.


17/05/2017, ore 20.06, da
  1. streethawk70Seregno ha ritwittato Sky Sport MotoGP™
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  2. - Grave incidente in bici per Nicky . L'ex campione investito nel riminese.
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  5. Video in rete che inneggiano alla propaganda dell’, non ha un sistema per rimuoverli. A con .
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  7. Travolto in bici a Riccione: grave Nicky Hayden, pilota Superbike
  8. Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning esce dal carcere: forse futuro da attivista
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  13. Perché dà visibilità a video di propaganda jihadista? Il reportage "ISIS su YouTube" questa sera alle 23.15, anche su .
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  17. Il Festival di Cannes si apre con Monica Bellucci. FOTO
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  23. Why the massive cyberattack won't make the hackers rich
  24. streethawk70Seregno ha ritwittato Rai Radio1
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  26. Rompono "a 1000 i coglioni per la (mia) foto" e poi, si, ok, loro l'hanno, la loro (ma mica tutte)e, comunque, e...
  27. *****...: comportati, n� pi� n� meno, con loro come fanno con te, a te.Poi vedi come reagiscon...
  28. streethawk70Seregno ha ritwittato Rai Radio1
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  29. streethawk70Seregno ha ritwittato Rai Radio1
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  30. streethawk70Seregno ha ritwittato Rai Radio1
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  31. Retweeted CI_Italia (): 1972. Luigi Calabresi viene assassinato durante un attentato ordito...
  32. 1972. Luigi Calabresi viene assassinato durante un attentato ordito da terroristi di sinistra.
  33. A TUTTI/E quelli/e che "LA MENANO" col "Se vuoi puoi, tutto il resto � una scusa!", ecco:DAI, *****..., ADESSO V...
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